ගැල්වනීකරණ අංගනය

මුල් පිටුව ගැල්වනීකරණ අංගනය
ISO 1461:2009 Compliant
තත්ත්ව ප්‍රමිතීන්ට අනුකූලවූ ගැල්වනීකරණ සේවා අංගනය
steel sri lanka

ලංවා ගැල්වනීකරණ සේවාව තෝරාගත යුත්තේ

LANWA Hot-dip Galvanizing plant is ISO 1461: 2009 compliant for coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles, and it is ISO 9001:2015 certified for quality Management System. Ceylon Steel Corporation’s Galvanised Pipe prices are very competitive in the market and renowned for their consistent quality as they are made at our own factory in Oruwala, Athurugiriya.
steel sri lanka
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steel sri lanka